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C u r t i s   P r u e t t  M u s i c


Do You Know Who I Am - Curtis Pruett ind/BMI
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Today's Devotion

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024


The Essenes Calendar and The Last Days

The Greeks controlled Palestine/Israel from 323BC to 164BE, which is when Judas Maccabees and his brethren revolted against the Greeks and defeated them. 


The Greeks had imposed their culture on Israel which caused many to leave the customs and traditions, but worse than that, they also imposed their Calendar upon the God’s people.


The Maccabees turned things around, but they did not return to God’s Calendar which had been used since the times of Adam and Eve.


Then one of the Maccabean High Priests, John Hyrcanus 1st, took the title of High Priest and King. 

That was forbidden and caused a deep split in the people. 


Those who felt that they needed to follow the High Priest no matter what he did or said, were known as the Sadducees. 

These were the “ruling class” of people and they rejected certain doctrines, such as “resurrection, judgement for life and even the existence of angels”.


The Jews who refused to follow John Hyrcanus 1st as High Priest, were known as the Pharisees or “the Separated Ones”. 

They followed a very strict, legalistic interpretation of the Law of Moses and the Teachings of the Rabbis.


The Sadducees and Pharisees actually fought a War between themselves, that lasted for 8 years from 96- 88BC. 

Everyone claimed to be the rightful rulers and kept trying to assassinate the leaders of the opposing party.


That was until Rome came in, defeated the Jews in 35BC and ruled from then on until they placed John Hyrcanus II into power. 

They were so busy fighting among themselves. They did not see the enemy coming in!!


Civil order was still not restored so the Romans put Herod in as King in 37BC.


So here ya have two parties, coming against themselves, and fighting until Rome comes in an takes over.


Today we have to parties fighting amongst themselves and you just have to wonder, is this the time when the Vatican will come in and take control?? 


I’m talking about the feet and toes of iron and clay and Daniel, I’m talking about the coming of the one world, government and religion mixed together in the form of Revived Roman empire!!


Perhaps the Vatican! After all, they’re already dispersed all around the world in the form of diocese!


Pope Francis is already seeking world peace! 

And at united world emirates there happens to be a place where there is a Catholic church, a synagogue, and a mosque, all in the same place to unite the people!! This place is called: The headquarters is called;  “The Abrahamic Family House”.


It’s on an island in the middle east; Dubai,  UAE. (United Arab Emirates)


Pope Francis and Sunni Muslim leader, Sheikh Ahmen al-Tayeb! signed a global peace agreement, called: 

“The Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace”.


Church, that means that Jesus Christ and the salvation covenant in His Blood will soon not only be diminished but completely pushed aside and outlawed, so that sin can run ramped !! 


AND the vatican is accepting muhammed and his religion, as equal footing with Christ, along with the Jewish messianic, belief that the Messiah is still, yet to come!!

There 3 buildings located in Dubai!!


Again, they are:


A Mosque

A Catholic Church

A Synagogue! 



F I N D  S A L V A T I O N

We are freely justified by his grace!!                                                       

Romans 3:23-24 King James Version (KJV)

“23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:”


Sin came by one man, Adam and Grace came by one man, Jesus Christ! We can’t undo the curse of sin, only Jesus can do that! And He did! On the Cross of Calvary!! The Lord willingly shed His Blood on the Cross and therefore taking the punishment that we so definitely deserved!! And now, His Grace abounds!! All that is needed is for us to believe!!!


Romans 10:9-10 King James Version (KJV)

“9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”


So then, who can be saved? ALL who call upon the name of our Lord!

Romans 10:13 King James Version (KJV)

“13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

All who believe that Jesus is Lord and repent of their sin shall be saved!!

Jesus is the only way to escape the horrible guilt of sin!!

No matter how well you live, your sin debt is still alive and well unless you accept Jesus Christ as Savior! He and only He can free you and justify you!!

Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary for YOU!!!


The debt has already been paid for you and all you need to do is be sorry for your sins and believe that He is the Son of God!

Believe that He died for your sins on the Cross and that He arose from the dead just three days later.

Pray now and invite Him into your heart!

Tell Him you believe and ask Him to forgive you and be YOUR Savior.


Please, don’t wait, do it now while you still can!

As long as there is breath in your body, you can call on Jesus and He WILL forgive you.

Amen and Amen!!!

If you prayed, click on "More" in the menu bar, then "biography" then finally "contact" and let us know so we can rejoice with you.

God bless you!!



M Y  T E S T I M O N Y

"O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭105:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I have heart disease, that I was quickly reminded of, when I tried to help bring a sofa up a flight of stairs. Chest pain and shortness of breath swiftly caused me to sit and rest. After a few minutes I was feeling better but still had a little chest tightness that eventually eased.

I’ve previously had a failed open heart surgery in which one artery was not bypassed. The good news, is that a small heart attack may be beneficial, taking away the issue of stable angina. The bad news, is that would HURT lol. The sad news is that, I continue to have chest pain with exertion and another heart attack is going to happen at some point. That is, unless the Lord totally heals my heart. 

Anyway, After four heart attacks and one on the way, I had to quit my job, sell the house and moved into the RV. I didn’t get disability until two years later. If it had not been for God working through his children in Florida, we would have been on the street! They are beautiful people who love the Lord and they were a huge blessing to my wife and I.

Since then, and after a lot of prayer and after God allowed the disability to come through, He miraculously, allowed us to buy a home, with NO DOWN PAYMENT! 

And with DECREASED INTEREST. And just like God, it’s much better than the one we had to give up.

And!, ALL of the expenses are much less than before!

The wife now has a newer vehicle!! Plus, I was able to keep my truck through all of this!

The best news is, I’m still able to minister with my music. God’s people are always willing to carry in equipment when I’m alone. Other times my wife, Ruby, does most of the work. In most cases, Ruby will have all the equipment torn down AND loaded! All while I’m still shaking hands and saying goodbye to folks at the product table! She’s such a hard worker and I’m so blessed with a wonderful wife! I love you baby!

So yes! Indeed: “O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭105:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

God bless!


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