C u r t i s P r u e t t M u s i c
Heart of the Cross Productions
Folks, I am no longer Pastor at Union Church. I'm now taking bookings for
music concerts!
If your interested in have me come, then just click here: "Contact"
God bless!!
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Heart of the Cross with Curtis Pruett | Catholic AI Jesus and Revelation 13:15 | Wednesday December 18th 2024
Heart of the Cross with Curtis Pruett | Catholic AI Jesus and Revelation 13:15 | Wednesday December 18th 2024
SRN Top of the Hour News From Saturday December 7th, the 8am broadcast, at around the 2:34 minute time mark.
Note: Not an exact quote:
…Would you trust an artificial intelligence program designed to look like Christ with your innermost thoughts and troubles??
Researchers have released findings from a two month experiment with such a program, ran by a Catholic chaplain in Switzerland. That’s where an avatar of Jesus on the computer screen, took questions from visitors and offered responses based on the Scriptures….
Heart of the Cross Quick Word with Curtis Pruett | New Creation In Christ, NOT Medical Science | Wednesday may 15th 2024
Office of the Inquisition still exists, it was simply “renamed” and is actually still operational:
http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_pro_14071997_en.html (NOTE the Vatican source)
We gotta wonder why the Office of the Inquisition of the Vatican is still in operation and was merely renamed several times???
Congregation for Propagation of the Faith (New name for the Office of the Inquisition / Changed again to Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) - http://histclo.com/chron/med/church/mc-inq.html
Francis was the Grand Inquisitor and one of the bloodiest Inquisition Leaders----- Just coincidence we have a Francis today? - https://www.hindujagruti.org/hindu-issues/hatkatro-khaamb/francis-xavier
Once headed by (back then) Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
(Immediately preceding the current pope).
Francis was the Grand Inquisitor and one of the bloodiest Inquisition Leaders----- Just coincidence we have a Francis today? - https://www.hindujagruti.org/hindu-issues/hatkatro-khaamb/francis-xavier
Murderous Catholic Church - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy95g5VhQ7w
“Rome is linked to the end times”
Johnathon Cahn
Heart of the Cross with CURTIS PRUETT
Message title: Rome Revived
Sep 2022
“Mercy in the Garden”
“Do You Know Who I Am”
“Remind Me of the Blood”
Hey!, check out my message series on rumble.com :-
“The Abomination Of Desolation, Are We Seeing It Today”
Right here on Rumble and:
Now taking concert dates:
Contact us at:
Curtis Pruett
6240 West State Road 45
Bloomington, IN 46403
Here are some great Bible websites:
-Good News Source: SRN- Top of the Hour
#HOTC, #QuickWord, #CurtisPruett, #HeartOfTheCross, #Gospel, #OneWordGovernmentControl, #Catholicism, #CatholicAIJesus, #ImageOfTheBeast